Friday night across North Carolina free stargazing events are happening
Friday is “National Star Party ” Day and N.C. State University astrophysics students may maintain three spots manning telescopes and giving guests a tour of the heavens.
Telescopes can be set up at Historic Oakwood Cemetery Falls Lake State Park as well as the ceiling of the Search Library, if the weather holds out. The activities are part of the fifth annual North Carolina Statewide Star Party, along with the Raleigh sites are three of 49 parties which is used across the condition in areas, planetariums and nature centers.
The party organizers expect about 4, 000 visitors and 200 STEM professionals and volunteers to participate in the activities. A full set of sites is found at the North Carolina Science Festival’s site.
This year’s Star Party style is “Star Light, ”, Star Bright and hosts will lead hands on activities to aid visitors recognize their life cycles and see stars, the website says.
The Falls Lake park party starts at 7 and the occasion at Oakwood Cemetery begins at 7:30. The Hunt Collection event lasts from 6 until 9 p.m., but recognition is substantial as well as the event already includes a waiting list.