10 Affordable Hacks That Increase The Value Of Your Home Instantly

I’ve recently helped a friend and my sister get their homes ready to sell.


And I had the opportunity to contrast their experience with some others who actually lost money on their houses when they sold them. Why? Well it seemed like it was because they let their houses get outdated and they make the extra effort to make it look really nice.


They were incredibly great people. But they hadn’t done some very simple things that keep up and increase the value of their homes.


So naturally, I liked to pin point what precisely these measures were that made a house sell-able. And how could I make sure that value was added to my house. I’m not looking to sell, but I was interested about affordable fixes that will increase the value of my house if I needed to sell.


These are the 10 simple and affordable things that I found you can do in order to add value to your home.

(Credit: http://blog.ltdcommodities.com/add-value-home-without-wrecking-bank-account/)


Dispose of Clutter

(Credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=home+real+estate&espv=2&biw=806&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixnK_HlLbSAhXrg1QKHRcyCa4Q_AUICSgE#tbm=isch&q=get+rid+of+clutter&*&imgdii=UDPu9rkxLKEqVM:&imgrc=IR96zmYU-NfEEM🙂


This is a large asset to increasing the value and making it more likely to sell your home. When families come through, they’re going to be affected by your own personal style and design.


Your decoration and style can get them excited about things they want to do in your house and it sparks their imagination.


And if your house is cluttered and messy, that’ll affect the energy of your space, make them feel crowded and uneasy, and make them less excited about thinking of living in that space.


The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home

(Credit: http://sylvestremn.com/2016/02/17/updating-the-heart-of-your-home-the-kitchen/)


Principal rooms I looked at when searching for our home was the kitchen and the living room. Where you spend the most time as a household.


A kitchen needs to have storage, space, and cleanliness.


Keep your kitchen clean and upgrade it. It doesn’t have to be, although I know most people consider update as an extremely expensive procedure. And the value of your home raises by 5-10%.


Also, fix any leaks or water damage that may have occurred. Again, be willing to spend a little here and it’s going to take you the extra mile.


Bathroom Duty

(Credit: http://thehappyhousie.porch.com/how-to-update-a-bathroom-on-a-reasonable-budget/#)


Bathrooms are another important part of the house. It is worth it to update cabinets and paint the walls, repair leaky faucets or any water damage, and update appliances.


It might not look important, but even if individuals don’t love the style you’ve created, seeing a seamless fashion and also the attention and effort in a house makes them think about themselves in the house (essential in regards to selling). Additionally, if everything is updated, it takes off the pressure and they could get right to the interesting part of styling it how they need.


Even just shifting the floor and cabinets (fresh coat of paint or redoing the tiles) can improve your home value by  3-7%.


Before you reveal it to people, make certain everything is spotless.


Whip Up A Fresh Coat of Paint

(Credit: http://gradyjonespaint.com/Home.php)


Better to go all the way and paint your home indoors as well as outside. Consider it as the polishing touches on your trophy.


Unique style, colors, and patterns make a house intriguing and desired, boosting the value of your residence.


Don’t Mend it if it Ain’t Broken

(Credit: https://th3how.blogspot.com/2014/07/4-sites-to-learn-to-fix-anything-on.html)


But seriously… mend things that are broken.


Windows, cement, shingles, gutters, faucets, doors, walls, hinges …anything that’s old or broken needs to be replaced and upgraded.


Every House Wants A Roof

(Credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=solar+panels+roof&espv=2&biw=806&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXtoOvo7bSAhVMlFQKHSQLCc4Q_AUIBygC#imgdii=pfkko45DzPnC4M:&imgrc=AcDa_THyTKWnaM:)


Old roofs make a home look failed and even unsafe. Keep on top of your roof as you go and take good care of it.


Investing in solar shingles or solar panels can go quite a distance in increasing the value of your residence (by a lot!). In fact, you’re more than likely to make most if not all of your investment prices back when you sell your home.


This Nation Adores Land

Keep your lawn cleaned, trimmed, and green (with splashes of color from flowers and decorations).


Trees are a great investment as they increase the value of your home. Not only do people love how trees appear, the protection will also assist you to cut energy bills during the summer. They protect your home and yard from too much water and also provide protection from weather.


People are attracted to healthy, so keep your yard healthy and green. Plant blossoms that are gorgeous to ensure it is enticing and inviting.


Landscaping is essential. It can literally improve your house’s value by 5-8% every degree you take it up a notch. Great landscaping can add around 28% total to your home’s value! No one likes to only at clumps of weeds and soil. To raise the value of your home, make an investment (whether you hire someone or do it yourself) to make each region of your lawn operational as well as delightful.


Fine veranda areas put people at ease as they dream about summer evenings with their nearest and dearest while they sip sweet tea.



(Credit: https://energy.gov/energysaver/outdoor-solar-lighting)


Light changes disposition, and it’s so significant your outdoor lighting is on point as well as your indoor light is perfect for every area and mood.


Outdoor lighting should be efficient as well as tasteful. Using solar sidewalk lights or flood lights may be a good method to create a house energy efficient as well as economical. In addition, it makes your home feel safer and more homey.


Great indoor lighting fixture not only helps in the presentation of your house, additionally it may cut your energy costs. Replace any old light bulbs with longer-lasting and energy-efficient LED light.


No one likes to squint in a room or feel like that can’t sit comfortably and read in a nook. Paying attention to lighting and layout can definitely make a difference in your house feels.


Garage and Storage

(Credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=organized+garage&espv=2&biw=806&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWvfC3pLbSAhUhl1QKHSBoCWIQ_AUIBigB#imgdii=Qxe7A2OzitIQdM:&imgrc=K4sfpkQq_2OOZM:)


Garage storage can tip buyers your way and your house value totally raises.


People desire places for storage. No one wants cluttered cartons and piles in the garage. They need it open, well-lit, and clean.


A work bench or ceiling storage space are suitable spaces to utilize.


Also, zoning your garage, keeping it tidy and easy to locate things will prevent messes from happening.


Small Luxuries

(Credit: http://blog.flexfireleds.com/home-automation-led-lighting-systems/)


People love amenities.


These modest investments add value to your home and can definitely tip a buyer your direction.


Put some home automation fixtures in for your lights to update your home and make it convenient or trendy.  Or put a water filter on your kitchen sink. Even simple things go a long way.  


Concluding Thoughts

(Credit: https://www.domesticshelters.org/domestic-violence-articles-information/home-options-beyond-the-shelter#.WLdDFfnytPY)


Remember you’re essentially selling a vision. You’re encouraging folks to come look at a lovely, upgraded, energy-efficient, safe, happy home and place themselves inside it. They’re going to desire to visualize themselves in your home. So you must sell that vision.


All these affordable measures can definitely create that image. It’s totally going to boost the value of your house and you can do it on a budget and it’s buy-ability.


The most important thing to remember is that it’s most easy to do these upgrades with time and to maintain the work you’ve place into it. That will actually make your investments rewarding.